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Wahine Forum Network Luncheon: Conflict Management

Thu 11:30 AM to 1:00 PM
Topic: Managing Employees

Conflict Management workshop with a three person panel and a moderator. Discussion will focus on: -conflict vs disagreement -causes of workplace conflict -benefits of conflict -conflict management strategies and conflict resolution -keeping professional and personal relationships strong and growing

Speaker(s): Panelists: Constance Lau, Kitty Lagareta, Melissa Pavlicek Moderator: Sunshine Topping

Fee: $ 25.00

Please pay at the time of registration. For questions call 808-695-2635.

Phone: 808.695.2636


YWCA O'ahu, Elizabeth Fuller Hall
YWCA Laniakea
1040 Richards Street Honolulu, HI 96813